Due Diligence & Auditing
At Palsa & Pulk, we believe that being transparent and accountable should be at the core of all corporate environmental and social strategies. For this, thorough due diligence and auditing are necessary.
Our experts can help you improve your due diligence and auditing policies, identify key performance indicators (KPIs), and follow up on issues that may arise along the way.

Our Expertise
Our experts at Palsa & Pulk are well-equipped to help you with any questions or issues you may have when it comes to the due diligence and auditing of your supply chains. We have a thorough understanding of how market expectations on supply chains are developing, and what you should focus on.
We believe that due diligence and auditing are key to your company's environmental and social policies. We can help you to identify issues, to develop your procurement policies, and to integrate your supply chain due diligence and auditing into your corporate social responsibility (CSR) or environment, social, and governance (ESG) reporting.
Our founder, Christine Nikander and our ESG & social impact consultant, Remicard Kam Sereme both have a background in business & human rights, as well supply chain due diligence and auditing. Christine also regularly writes about corporate sustainability and supply chain regulations in The E-Waste Column.